DA Motiva

# You can be pretty too

# Breast Augmentation only at DA

Implant Size Is Not Everything In Breast Augmentation

Implant Size Is Not Everything
In Breast Augmentation!

I Line

Looks More Natural Motiva Breast Augmentation

Characteristic of Motiva Ergonomix

Characteristic of Motiva

  • The Silhouette That Moves Naturally With Any Movement It spreads itself when we lay down and according to the gravity, it naturally
    drops! It creates a natural breasts shape in any position
  • Silk Surface Which Has Low Possibility of Capsular Contracture Nano-sized particles of the surface of the implant, makes you are safe from
    side effect such as inflammation, Foreign body, and capsular contracture due to friction
  • Able To Check The Implant Through Blue Seal Layer Blue Seal lowers the possibility of a spherical formation, which can tell
    the condition of the implant, such as cracks or ruptures.
Perfect Breast Size and Texture By 3D Disinsertion

Perfect Breast Size and Texture By 3D Disinsertion

The Reasons Why Results Are Different By Using Same Implants

  • 'Just Fit' 2D Disinsertion
  • 3D Disinsertion
  • Motiva
The Secrete of Voluptuous but Natural Breasts

The Secrete of Voluptuous but Natural Breasts

Gives Off A Lot of Confidence
on Breasts DA’s I Line Cleavage

  • Noticeable breast augmentationn with Y-Line cleavage Previous breast augmentation with I-line cleavage may Seem too obvious
  • Real breast with I-Line cleavage DA’s I-Line cleavage is the most similar with the real breasts by considering its dimensional shape
DA analyzes various condition

Looking For The Right Size of Implant and see how much breast tissue can stretch

DA analyzes various condition!

  • Soft Tissue
  • Breasts Tissue
  • Thoracic cage Size
  • Breasts Pocket Size
Motiva Breast Augmentation

Motiva Breast Augmentation

  • Blue seal which is on the surface of Motiva is Its own unique and special technique to check the condition of implant
  • UDI chip is an advanced technology To verify breast implant’s information To safe each patient’s safety
  • Motiva provides premium services with 5 years of insurance warranties if the rupture or capsular Contracture(Grade 2,3) occurs
  • Nano-sized particles of the surface of the implant has low possibility of occurring capsular contracture or allergic due to friction
Motiva Implant What Makes The Difference At DA?

Motiva Implant What Makes The Difference At DA?

fit for me an exact prosthesis The importance of choice!

healthy and beautiful for the chest a systematic examination

  • DIVINA 3D Scanner For Virtual Cosmetic Patients can see the breasts after surgery in advance that helps to choose the implants and size according to patient's breasts volume, nipple, distance and asymmetry
  • The Process of Systemic Mammography Make a plan for safe breast augmentation according To the breasts’current condition and structure through Mammography. You are able to check your breasts health As well through this mammography such as the location of breasts implants, rupture, seroma or hemovac.
  • Collaborate With A Plastic Surgeon Who Is Specialized In Breasts We proceed beautiful breast augmentation through plastic surgeon who is specialized in breasts disease
he Breasts that catch people’s eyes DA x Motiva

The Breasts that catch people’s eyes DA x Motiva

DA Safety Building.

Large-scale medical system B1~12F

DA Building is a large-scale
single building that
specializes in consultation,
treatment, surgery, and
recovery on each floor.
We have completed
systematic collaboration and
state-of-the-art facilities to
provide medical services with
high satisfaction to our customers.

DA Plastic Surgery
DA Plastic Surgery

Systematic surgery plan guidance through 1:1 customized consultation

DA Plastic Surgery

Dedicated medical staff surgery post-care.

DA Plastic Surgery

Systematic medical cooperation system by field.

DA Plastic Surgery

9 Anesthesiologists reside in DA Plastic Surgery Clinic

DA Plastic Surgery

various medical equipment

DA Plastic Surgery

Equipped with hotel-class hospitalization rooms for comfortable recovery