Line Restoration
Eye Revision Surgery
#The Key to #Revision Eye surgery#DA Line Restoration Surgery
Unique Surgery only at DA
What is DA’s Line Restoration Eye Revision Surgery?

Designing New Eyelid line after
Line Restoration before surgery Is
the secret to successful
DA’s Eye Revision Surgery!!
Successful Revision = Line Restoration before surgery

Restore Old Line then Design New Line
Line Restoration Eye
Revision Surgery
- Sunken Double Eyelid lines,Unnaturally thick Double Eyelid Lines 2 Step detachment method for Line Restoration beforehe revision surgery
- Weird Line shape due to incorrect suture position 3D Line Suture technique that is suitable for double eyelid lines
- Multiple & Sunken double eyelid lines due to an excessive incision Restoration using a Micro Fat Grating technique
- Consideration of skin thickness, sagging, eye fat, eye opening strength, and etc Line designing that is customized for each person's condition

Sunken Double Eyelid lines,
Unnaturally thick Double Eyelid Lines
2 Step detachment technique
for Line Restoration
1st detachment to fix
excessively tied suture
2nd detachment to
separate tissues

Failed surgery due to incorrect suture position
3D Line Suture technique
that is suitable for double
eyelid lines
- # Thick Double Eye Lid Line (Sausage Eyeline)
- # Unclear Double Eye Lid Line
- # Sleepy & Tired looking Eyes
Failed surgery due to incorrect suture position Improve by customized fixed position for each person
Fixing Line position to create the prettiest line.
DA 3D Line Suture technique
- Line fixation with minimal tissue damage > Minimize scarring↓
- Diagnosis of the optimal line size customized for each individual eye
- Consideration of skin thickness, sagging, and eye-opening strength

Multiple eyelids and sunken eyes due to excessive excision
Restoration using a Micro Fat Grating + Ptosis correction technique
Restoration using a Micro Fat Grating + Ptosis correction technique
Multiple crease line and sunken problem improved

Consideration of line height, skin thickness, sagging, fat amount and muscle strength
Diagnosis of the optimal line size customized foreach individual eye
- Very short double eyelid line Ingrown eyelashes & ineffective surgery result
- Very high double eyelid line Sausage Double Eyelid & unable to open eye
Fix problems caused from surgeries that did
not consider individual characteristics
of each person.

In conclusion,
for revision eye surgery
line restoration before
the surgery redesigning and
redesigning the line is crucial!
Skill that removes line adhesion without damaging the
surrounding tissue and restoring the eyelid line to
previous state! Is the unique revision eye surgery
only can be done at DA!

The eyes that determine the first impression, Should not only be operated solely for cosmetic purpose.
At DA, we first determine the cause of the failure
of the first surgery and restore it,
and secondly, we creates a double eyelid line
that is both healthy and beautiful for the eyes.
Still worrying about revision surgery?
Double eyelid lines prettier than
the first surgery